Universal Seeks Monsters


Three Men Seeking Monsters!To me this sounds like one of those ideas you have at 2am after you’ve been getting stoned and/or drunk with your buddies since noon. But for four very lucky guys, it’s actually making it to the big screen.

The Hollywood Reporter announced this morning that Universal will help produce Three Men Seeking Monsters, a travelogue by Nick Redfern, Jon, Doug and Dan Heder. The film will follow this group as they trek across Great Britain, attempting to validate stories of werewolves, lake monsters, giant cats and other such long-standing British monstrosities all the while testing the very limits of their endurance and inebriation.

The movie, being produced through Greasy Entertainment and Atchity Entertainment, is based on the novel by Nick Redfern called Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men (thankfully they shortened the title for celluloid), which you can click here to check out through Evilshop!

Johnny Butane

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