Exclusive: First Look at Marvel Zombies VS. AOD!

It’s time. Ash has travelled across the ages, warping reality … and pretty much making things up as he goes. He’s battled back an army of Deadites wherever they’ve reared their decaying, blood splattered craniums, but now he’ll face the ultimate test. It’s one thing for Ash to find himself coping with a world full of super-powered people who wage war on the streets of New York City daily, but when those people become flesh craving zombies, it’s time to get the hell out of town. Screw the sugar.
Marvel Zombies VS. Army of Darkness #1 presents the first ever cross-over between two of the most psychotic concepts in geek culture, not to mention two of the most badass horror licenses to surface in the last 20 years. What can you expect from this epic tale? Well, nothing serious of course! For those who haven’t read Marvel Zombies, the book is less about the drama of surviving a world overrun by zombies and more about Marvel Comics’ elite characters interacting, having fun … looking for lunch … as zombies! It’s completely ridiculous and a damn good time, so don’t overthink the concept.
Meanwhile, over at Dynamite Entertainment, Ash continued right from where we left him in Army of Darkness and has continued the fight for years now. It’s only natural that the universe’s most hapless warrior would go head to head with the world of brain eating super gouls. You’ll get snappy patter, bad pick up lines, and pannel after pannel dripping with sarcasm. Just because your dead doesn’t mean you don’t have jokes! Even if you never picked up a comic before, if you’ve ever enjoyed watching Ash go head to head with a Deadite or geeked out over Spider-Man cracking wise while pounding on Doc Ock, the combination will have you falling out of your chair. This one’s a winner and sure to sell out very quickly, so if you don’t want to wait a year for the trade collection to hit, best get your ass to the nearest comic shop!
Marvel Zombies VS. The Army of Darkness hits stores Wednesday, March 7th. For more info on this book and everything else Dynamite has to offer, hit up their official site!

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– Nomad
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