Call of Duty: Black Ops III Awakening: Der Eisendrache Trailer Unveiled


The first Call of Duty: Black Ops III DLC pack, Awakening, hits the PS4 in just a few more days, and it features four new MP maps and one mind-blowing Zombies experience. Curious?  Check out the game’s new “Der Eisendrache” trailer right here.

From the Press Release:
Der Eisendrache, the first chapter of Call of Duty: Black Ops III’s Zombies DLC adventure, will take players on an epic journey with the Origin characters Richtofen, Nicolai, Takeo, and Dempsey. Set in an eerie medieval castle built upon an ancient site of unspeakable horror, massive deposits of Element 115 have recently been discovered, delivering inspired new gameplay and – in Zombies tradition – a variety of exciting plot twists and surprises that fans will have the opportunity to discover for themselves.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III Awakening is scheduled for release on PlayStation 4 on February 2, 2016, other next-gen platform availability to follow.




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