‘Zine Review: Rue Morgue #65


Rue Morgue #65 (click to see it bigger!)Issue #65
March 2007

Nothing like a big piece o’ Scrimm staring you down to remind you why you love horror so damn much.

This month’s issue of Rue Morgue has a whole lot about Phantasm, mainly to help celebrate the upcoming badass DVDs of the first and the third movies from Anchor Bay, but also because it’s just a great movie. The primary feature here is an interview with creator Don Coscarelli and throughout are chats with the Tall Man himself, Angus Scrimm, shotgun hippie hero Reggie Bannister and a look at the whole four-film series overall. Great for new and old school Phans alike!

From the realm of robbed dwarves to the world of big red (heroic) demons, James Grainger goes forth and picks the brain of the men behind Hellboy Animated, director Tad Stones and creator Mike Mignola. They lay down the history of the project and tease what we can expect from the upcoming release of Blood and Iron, the second (but probably not last) full-length Hellboy Animated movie, plus a quickie interview with Big Red himself, Ron Perlman!

Jumping in the way-back machine, Jovanka Vuckovic and W. Brice McVicar give the history of Aurora’s infamous monster model kits in a very informative piece that goes to show just how far the collectible realm has come. Though the article is good, the highlight for me was the pictures of the assembled kits that were likely culled from their own collections. Haven’t seen these babies in a long time!

From there it’s a trip down South to talk to Count Lyle, singer of the punk/country/metal hybrid band Ghoultown, who just put out their first CD since they went on hiatus a few years back. The music may not be your cup of tea, as it were, but Lyle’s stories about his near-death experience and his attitude toward music in general will more than likely encourage you to give ‘em a listen.

A feature piece on Mick Garris’ debut novel, Development Hell (review), is next, and it’s a well deserved focus on one of my favorite reads from last year. Columnist John W. Bowen chats with Garris about his influences and inspirations, even getting some info you may not have read in my recent interview with the man!

Then it’s off to the review gauntlet, showcasing just how shitty the latest crop of horror movies have been: The Hitcher, Blood & Chocolate, Black Christmas, Primeval and more are all given their very justified coal-raking by the review staff, making us hope for a much brighter rest of the year.

Other highlights this issue include “Blood in Four Colours”, a look back on Dark Horse’s love for all things horror, a feature piece on author Michael Laimo (author of Dead Souls) and the “Travelouge of Terror”‘s trip to a haunted hostel!

Be sure to pick up Issue 65 of Rue Morgue in better bookstores everywhere, and hit Rue Morgue’s official site for subscription information and a lot more!

Johnny Butane

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