1980s Horror Anthology Comic Series Gore Shriek Making a Return

It was back in 1986 that FantaCo Enterprises launched Gore Shriek, an anthology comic series that collected together original horror stories. This year, if I’m doing the math correctly, the cult classic series celebrates it 30th anniversary, and guess what? It’s coming back, baby!
Over on Kickstarter, FantaCo just launched a fund-raising campaign for Gore Shriek Resurrectus: Volume One, a brand new comic book with brand new original stories. If all goes according to plan, that issue will ship in May, and Volume Two is already in the works for October.
These new editions of Gore Shriek come to you from Rough House Publishing in conjunction with FantaCo Publications. Both issues are licensed and authorized by the series creator and trademark holder, Tom Skulan.
“Each issue will beĀ 48-pages, carefully crafted to LOOK, FEEL, READ and even SMELL like the original Gore Shriek comic books – without any advertising,” FantaCo notes. “This is the real deal folks and will become prized additions to your collections!!”
The campaign that’s currently running, it must be noted, is only for the first volume, and a separate one will be launched later this year for the second volume. The goal amount is just $6,000, and perks for donating include comic pre-orders, zombie busts, and special signed editions.
Head over to the Gore Shriek Resurrectus: Volume One Kickstater campaign to learn more and pitch in. And check out the cover art for both of the 30th anniversary issues below!