More Xombie Comic Art

Even though talk of a movie based on Xombie has been all but absent for the last year or so, that hasn’t stopped creator Jamie Farr from coming up with cool stuff for his characters, both living and undead.
Following the recent publication of Xombie: Dead on Arrival (review), Devil’s Due Publishing has plans for a series of comics based on a brand-new storyline called Xombie: Reanimated. Set a full decade after the events of both DOA and the online Flash series where the title got its start, the comic series is set to kick off in April.
Fangoria got a look at the cover for the comic, which is pretty damn sexy if you ask me, though I don’t know how I feel about the cute & innocent Zoe being all grown up now. Ahem. That shirt definitely lasts a while, eh? Check out more art from the comic right here, and keep your eyes open for more Xombie happenings very soon!
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