Reality TV Star Farrah Abraham Featured in New Axeman II: Overkill Stills

We really can’t get enough of Axeman II: Overkill. Less than two weeks ago we brought you the first batch of first batch of stills, and now we have some new images for you to wallow in ahead of its as of yet unconfirmed release date.
And if you’re an avid TV viewer, you may recognize star Farrah Abraham, who would go on to be featured in the reality series “Teen Mom.”
From the Press Release:
With AXEMAN II: OVERKILL completed and awaiting the film’s home video release announcement, filmmaker Joston “El Rey” Theney releases a new set of photos that center around two of the franchise’s most memorable characters from the original that are returning for the upcoming installment: the much beloved couple that horror fans rooted for and whose possible deaths everyone agonized over, TAMMY (now played by Kailena Mai, THE LETTER RED) and LIZ (now played by Whitney Nielsen, CHILDREN OF SORROW). These are two favorites that most audiences believed had met their demises in the original, or were certainly knocking on death’s door, however find themselves returning for the second installment of the horror trilogy. One of the revealing stills features MTV “Teen Mom” Farrah Abraham in her role as crazed Evangelical FANNIE RAE BAKER!
Never one to mince words, when asked how either of these characters could return after their very memorable, and grotesque, run-ins with the titular villain of the AXEMAN franchise, Theney quipped, “Not everything is as it seems in the AXEMAN universe, and you didn’t actually see either character bite it in the original – no pun intended.”
Audiences may remember Tammy and Liz’s ill-fated escape that resulted in the AXEMAN literally tearing the flesh from Tammy’s face with his jagged teeth, all the while knowing that the love of her life, Liz, lay dead by the AXEMAN’s blade. To that, “El Rey” laughs, “I can guarantee you that Tammy remembers that too! Another way to look at it, though, is maybe Liz passed out from blood-loss while the Axeman took a chunk out of Tammy’s cheek to see what she tasted like. At least that’s all you actually saw on-screen. That would leave both still alive. At least for a few extra moments. Maybe longer. Who knows? One thing’s for sure… if they die this go-around, like everyone else that dies in the sequel, it will be EPIC!”
Newcomer to the AXEMAN trilogy Kailena Mai, who took over duties as TAMMY, was asked what – if any – special preparations she did for the role after realizing she’d be replacing the previous star. Mai replied, “I didn’t prepare any differently than I would for any other role. [The previous actress] was amazing, but I am a different person with different experiences, so I am automatically going to bring something different and unique to the role. I will admit, though, it does make me a little more nervous. I kept saying to myself, ‘Self, you have to kill it… because otherwise you will be compared to someone else who killed it, in a not so positive way,'” she continued.
Tammy and Liz’s on-screen romance in the original film was very passionate and loving. Kailena was asked, assuming the two make it past the opening credits, what will be different this time around for the couple. “I felt like the journey this go-around was about love everlasting,” Kailena answered. She continues, “Tammy and Liz found the deepest bond man, or shall I say woman, can find in each other in AXEMAN. AXEMAN II: OVERKILL tests the strength of this bond. Their love is the reason that both of them try as hard as they do to survive.”
Asked if there’s a chance that these two memorable characters will survive another run-in with the AXEMAN, Theney replied, “We have a whole slew of new memorable characters in this installment. From crazed Christian Evangelicals IRMA JEAN MANLY (Arielle Hader) and FANNIE RAE BAKER (Farrah Abraham, MTV’s “Teen Mom”) to murderous bank robbers BREAKER (Rachel Reilly, CBS’ “Big Brother”) and DUNGIE (Angelica Bridges, “Baywatch”) and everyone in between, we have more than enough memorable characters, memorable moments, and quotable lines to create awesome new memories.”