New Look at The Girl Next Door


The folks over at ModernCine just dropped us a line with an update on and a set of new images from their adaptation of Jack Ketchum’s notorious The Girl Next Door, which just wrapped its first week of principal photography.

The film, being made under the direction of Gregory Wilson, stars Blanche Baker, Catherine Mary Stuart, Grant Snow, Blythe Auffarth, and Kevin Chamberlin. All relatively new names in the scene, but that’s important with a tale like this; you have to make sure you’re not looking at an actor and remembering them from a previous role as it will make the danger they’re in all the more real if they have a fresh face. And the kids in The Girl Next Door face some serious dangers.

They anticipate a finished cut of the film as early as September, if you can believe it. Shooting is set to go on for a few more weeks, and hopefully we’ll learn more about it as it does. The first shots from the film are below, and they look damn fine so far!

In other ModernCine news, the group’s first film, Headspace (review), is finally set for a DVD release on September 12th. The cover for it (seen here, where you can also pre-order it) is terribly generic, but I would still recommend giving this one your rental dollars as it’s a cool, messed up little film.

ModernCine's The Girl Next Door

ModernCine's The Girl Next Door

ModernCine's The Girl Next Door

Johnny Butane

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