Contribute to Pupper Master: Axis Termination for a Chance to Be Killed by Blade

It was only a few days ago that we brought you news of some of the incredible rewards on offer for contributing to the Indiegogo campaign for the 11th Puppet Master film, and now, with the campaign nearing its end, they’ve gone ahead and added one of the best perks ever: a chance to be killed in the film.
That’s right; for a mere $2,000 you can be one of six people who gets to die in Puppet Master: Axis Termination. Full details below:
New perk: Get killed by Blade!
Visit the set and be in the new film Puppet Master: Axis Termination. Get onscreen + IMDb Credit. You’ll be on set for 1 day and be featured in a cameo (approximately 10 to 30 seconds onscreen).
Contribution Tier: $2,000
Only 6 available
You’ll also join the cast and crew for meals. This perk does NOT include airfare travel. We will include 1 night of accommodations at a hotel. Also includes: a copy of the script + 2 tickets to the private premiere screening with the cast and crew.
Also available… Supporting Actor Role, which includes: a copy of the script + posters + official signed Full Moon t-shirt + stickers + 2 tickets to the private premiere screening with the cast and crew.
◆ Onscreen Stunt Puppets from the Film (Blade and more!)
◆ Your Photo in the Film
◆ A Cameo Acting Role
◆ Plus a dozen other perks offered, like the amazing Puppet Master Mystery Box!