Grindhouse Festival Hits L.A.


Tarantino brings the Grindhouse to L.A.Almost two months. 50 films. Movies that have not seen the light of a cinema in years. Now that is the way you celebrate the release of your new movie, damnit.

Quentin Tarantino is loaning films out of his personal collection to the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles for the Los Angeles Grindhouse Festival, running March 4th to April 30th, 2007, both to help celebrate the release of Grindhouse on April 16th and to give fans of all ages an idea of what inspires a mad genius like Tarantino.

All sorts of films are expected to play over the course of the festival from sex comedies like The Van to horror like Grave of the Vampire to blaxploitatioin like Brotherhood of Death to sexploitation like Pretty Maids All in a Row (pictured), and beyond. For the full schedule and any more info you might want on the fest, be sure to hit the New Beverly Cinema official site!

Johnny Butane

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