New Comic Series Devolution Has Evolution Occuring Backwards

With all the crap that the human race has been responsible for as of late, it really does seem fair to say that as a species, rather than evolving forward, we’re going backwards. So the new comic series Devolution may be all too relevant.
Writer Rick Remender, known for his work on The Punisher and Secret Avengers, will examine just what the world would be like if not only humans but all life on Earth was reverted back by many, many years. Originally announced way back in 2012, it follows a small group of humans unaffected by the backwards evolution process as they try to fix a world now inhabited by monsters and cavemen.
You can head over to ComiXology to pre-order a digital edition of Issue #1 ahead of its January 20th release.
Every living creature on Earth has been devolved – the evolutionary clock turned back, reverting all life to odd mutations and prehistoric incarnations. The cities of man are little more than bloody territories ruthlessly dominated by tribal Neanderthals ruling from the backs of mammoths, packs of saber-toothed tigers, and giant man-eating insects. Writer Rick Remender (Black Science, Fear Agent), artist Jon Wayshak (The Authority), and colorist Jordan Boyd (Ant-Man, Planet Hulk) take you on a journey with the last band of “Still Sapien” humans in the hope of locating an antidote and re-evolving the human race.