Warp X Needs Women

I’ve heard of low-budget production companies working to get their films funded in creative ways, but this is the first time I can recall that a low budgeter created them from scratch. Well not scratch exactly, it’s not a Frankenstein scenario (yet), but they’re certainly working from the ground up.
According to Variety, UK-based Warp X (producers of Dead Mans Shoes) has taken ten new female directors under its wing in the hopes of turning them into badass horror filmmakers in a program called “Darklight: Women Direct Horror”. From an original pool of 76, the 10 were selected as most qualified to potentially scare the pants off of someone (sorry) and are hoping to utilize their newfound skills to create an interesting slate of movies for Warp X.
The 10 ladies have already attended a master class on the genre, receiving instruction from the likes of director Richard (Dust Devil) Stanley, producer Ros (Last King of Scotland) Borland, head of Optimum Releasing Danny Perkins and more. Another class is planned with actors at which time four of the ten will develop their scary ideas into actual film treatments.
Perhaps this is an important step in getting those who generally turn their noses up to our genre to take note of its importance. You don’t hear about too many production companies taking a director to school to learn how to make better romantic comedies, do you? Check out Warp X’s official site for a lot more on the project!
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