Dynamite and Dark Horse Usher in 2016 With a Killer Sale!

Get a new device for the holidays? Looking to score yourself some digital comics at one STEAL of a price? Then get ready, kids! This is the sale you’ve been waiting for!
From the Press Release:
‘Twas the week after Christmas, and all through the store, all Dynamite titles are on sale for $.99, and not a penny more! Dynamite Entertainment and Dark Horse Digital give digital comics readers over 1,000 reasons to be thankful with the announcement of a line-wide sale!
With the holiday season in full swing and new devices in the hands of thousands of comics and pop culture fans of all ages, Dark Horse Digital will offer ALL Dynamite single issues in their digital storefront for just 99 cents! There has never been a better time to fill all those holes in your digital bookshelf!
Dynamite Entertainment offers fan favorites like Vampirella and Red Sonja, Preacher creator Garth Ennis’ A Train Called Love, multimedia blockbusters James Bond and Army of Darkness, and internet sensation Grumpy Cat! All of these and hundreds of other titles will be available for less than a dollar for a full week!
“As we close out 2015, we wanted to create a promotion that would allow fans to try more Dynamite titles and expand our readership, and we worked with Dark Horse to create this promotion,” says Dynamite CEO Nick Barrucci. “The timing is perfect as many comic fans have new devices thanks to the holidays, great for reading digital comics.”
Visit DigitalDarkhorse.com today to browse hundreds of value-priced digital comics from Dynamite Entertainment!