Smartphone Demon Will Make You Think Twice About Selfies

Smartphones and selfies — what the hell? I know I’ll probably sound like an old guy who screams at kids who step on his precious, precious lawn, but I don’t get the appeal. It’s ego run amok, narcissism to a deranged degree.
Not surprisingly, a few horror-centric filmmakers have taken this silly trend and dipped it into a bucket of deep-fried terror. Director Andrea Ricca’s Smartphone Demon explores what happens with some poor guy decides to snap a photo of himself. Are demons always lurking over our shoulders, ready to punish us for our vanity? God, I kind of hope so.
There’s not much to say about this one that won’t give away the surprise tucked gently into the last few seconds. Instead of simply reading about Smartphone Demon, carve a few minutes out of your day (or night) and enjoy the selfie-related terror. As if they weren’t horrifying enough already.