Godzilla: Oblivion Begins in March

After the rather brilliant Godzilla in Hell miniseries, it seemed that publisher IDW would have a difficult time creating a worthy follow-up series for the King of the Monsters. However, Godzilla: Oblivion looks like it will be a deserving successor, mainly because it places him a new setting where he can finally rule supreme without any of those pesky humans to get in the way. Until they decide to invade his monster-filled dimension, that is.
Writer Joshua Fialkov is known for his horror comic Echoes and Tumor, so he should be at home with Godzilla. Look for Issue #1 in March.
A scientist has created a portal to another dimension — one where monsters rule supreme! A terrifying expedition begins into a world where hope has died and Godzilla is the unrivaled King of the Monsters. But what happens when a baby kaiju hitches a ride back to the original, monster-less dimension?