Dread Central Getting New Look; Name Our Mascot and Win!

When you think about website longevity, if a site stays active for more than two years, it’s a milestone. We’re approaching a decade in the business and we’re still here, and that’s because of you guys. We couldn’t be more grateful for the loyalty and support!
As the years have gone by, the site has begun to show its age so it’s time to freshen things up a bit. It’s with great pleasure we share with you our newest logo and mascot.
Inhouse we’ve been referring to him/her/it as the Stagknight, but since this is your site as much as it is ours, we’d like to take this opportunity to have you name him/her/it. New T-shirts will soon be on the way via Rotten Cotton, and whichever name we stick with… well, the person who comes up with it will get a free T-shirt on us along with a random Box of Dread (to which, incidentally, a subscription makes a nifty holiday gift)!
So, how do you name this beast? Leave your suggestion in our comments section below!