Creepy & Eerie Re-launched


Creepy and Eerie heading for the big & small screen!Variety got word today that an announcement was made at the New York Comic Con that Creepy and Eerie, two horror/scifi comic series that gained big popularity in the 70’s, are going to be brought to both the big and small screen thanks to Submarine Entertainment and Grand Canal Film Works.

Just goes to show that no matter how much you try not to miss anything at these cons, something always slips through the cracks…

Did you always wonder where our own Uncle Creepy got his name? This is it, folks, as the host of each story that would appear in the bi-monthy comics, which were actually published in a Mad-magazine format so they didn’t have to deal with the Comics Code Authority, was named Uncle Creepy. Mystery solved!

The two production houses are planning on developing the various stories featured in the pages of Creepy and Eerie for both films and television, with a possible look to digital media for some of them, as well. Right now they’re starting off independently but may look for studio backing down the road, says the trade.

Stay tuned for more on this very cool sounding new project as we hear about it!

Johnny Butane

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