Bayonetta Joining Super Smash Bros.

File this one under “WTF News.” As shown in the final Super Smash Bros. Video Presentation, Bayonetta will be joining the fray. Fast forward to 18:40 in the video to witness everyone’s favourite Umbra Witch in action. The video was shared in a tweet from Nintendo of America, which also featured the gorgeous artwork below.
Aside from Solid Snake, she’s the only character from an M-rated series to be featured as a fighter. I guess it makes sense, seeing as Nintendo acquired the Bayonetta franchise from Sega and all. And by the looks of it, she’s even getting her own stage, complete with a giant flouting snake demon. And just like in her own games, her hair can transform into a giant, er, hairy monster. “Don’t mess with a witch” indeed.
#Bayonetta comes to #SmashBros in Feb! Illustration: Eiji Funahashi (PlatinumGames) Video:
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) December 15, 2015
Her inclusion comes as a result of demand from fans, so it’s great to see how Nintendo clearly respects fan feedback.
Bayonetta will be coming to Super Smash Bros. in February.