Brett Kelly’s Short Film Tale of the Bonesetter Hits Vimeo

Director Brett Kelly (My Fair Zombie, Homicycle) is returning to a character he hasn’t visited since his shot-on-video days. According to the official press release, Tale of the Bonesetter — the follow-up to The Bonesetter and The Bonesetter Returns — is essentially a “proof of concept” short flick put together in hopes of generating some interest in and cash for a larger scale, bigger budget version of the story. So if you’re a Bonesetter fan and you have lots of money stuffed into an oversized mattress in your master bedroom, then consider throwing some of it in Brett Kelly’s direction.
“I’m excited at the response that the short received at festivals. This inspires me to try to get the feature shot sooner rather than later, depending on the success of our funding efforts. The Bonesetter has great potential as a horror franchise character; we’ll do our best to make it happen,” Kelly said in a statement regarding what he hopes to achieve with the short film.
Want to check out Brett Kelly’s Tale of the Bonesetter right now? If so, swing by Vimeo, fork over 99 cents, and enjoy the show. Check out the trailer and some artwork below.