Giant Space Balls Are Falling on Europe in The Gasp Menagerie

And now we begin an incredibly juvenile post about a very interesting occurrence.
Europe has big balls… falling on it from outer space. These could be alien balls or balls we shot up there ourselves. If that’s the case, they could be US balls or even Russian or Chinese balls.
The Daily Express (among others) is reporting that there have been four gigantic metal balls dropped on Europe and now Turkey, spreading the ball dropping outside of European boundaries for the first time. These are unidentified balls between basketball and beach ball size, made of metal, that are clearly dropping from a great height. It’s not clear whether these are coming from space, however, because the balls do not burn up and are still whole when they strike the ground.
It seems unlikely that this is a hoax, given the spread of the ball dropping incidents. If these balls all hit Spain directly, one could suspect they are the balls of a Spaniard, playing a prank. With the report of at least one ball in Turkey, however, it seems likely these are falling from something, but what?
No report has included what metal the balls are composed of. It seems unlikely that they are brass balls, as they are dark gray in color, but they are very heavy as it often takes two people to lift just one of the balls.
Thankfully, the balls haven’t caused any injuries, landing in unpopulated areas. Nobody has taken these balls across their face, which is a good thing considering their size.
Who has balls this big? Why would they be dropping without warning? What are the balls made of?
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