After Dark Joins The Tribe


AfterDark acquires The TribeThe key phrase here is “humanoid creatures”. Though the new film just acquired by AfterDark Films, The Tribe, is about 20-somethings in peril (yawn), the reason they’re in peril is humanoid creatures (yay!)… and that’s all right with me.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, AfterDark partner Courtney Solomon put in a bid for the film just by seeing its promotional trailer at the Berlin International Film Festival, which goes to show you how important a trailer truly can be. AfterDark plans to release The Tribe theatrically with a lot of publicity behind it, much the same way they’re getting The Abandoned in theaters today (see it, damn you!) and have plans to do the same with David Arquette’s The Tripper and Jim Issacs’s Skinwalkers in the near future.

A lot more info on the film, including the latest trailer for it, can be found at The Tribe production blog (where this pic came from) so check it out!

Johnny Butane

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