The Masters Invade NYC


Obey your Masters!Free this weekend? Will you be in or around New York City? Have some frequent flyer miles to use and need a good reason? Then there is no excuse for you fiends to not attend the New York Comic Con.

It’s a Masters of Horror blow out! Be on the lookout for Herbert West himself, Jeffrey Combs, and fellow Masters John Landis, Mick Garris, Stuart Gordon. Join in and celebrate Anchor Bay‘s upcoming Re-Animator Special Edition DVD and increasing quality of the MoH DVDs.

The NYCC will be packed with even more guests. You may recognize some: Do the names Stephen King, Stan Lee and Wes Craven ring any bells? What are you waiting for?! The NYCC starts tomorrow and runs through the 25th of February at the Jacob Javits Center, 655 West 34th Street in New York City. Need more info? Then click here.

Don’t forget to take a few pictures with Johnny Butane!

Kryten Syxx

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