New Martyrs Remake Image is Bound and Gagged


I caught some flak the other day for describing Pascal Laugier’s 2009 film Martyrs as a brutal masterpiece, but I stand by that statement. A remake is wholly unnecessary, to be sure, but the American version of Martyrs (review) is nevertheless on the way. On tap today? A new image.

Will the remake be any good? It won’t be long before we find out. The American remake of Martyrs is headed to limited theaters and Digital HD on January 22, 2016, courtesy of Anchor Bay. It will be hitting VOD, DVD, and Blu-ray shortly thereafter on February 2nd.

Bailey Noble, who played Adilyn Bellefleur in “True Blood,” toplines with “Pretty Little Liars” star Troian Bellisario. Kate Burton (Stay, Big Trouble in Little China) and Blake Robbins (Rubber) round out the cast.

Mark L. Smith (Vacancy, The Hole, The Revenant) penned the screenplay.

Ten-year-old Lucie flees from the isolated warehouse where she has been held prisoner. Deeply traumatized, she is plagued by awful night terrors at the orphanage that takes her in. Her only comfort comes from Anna, a girl her own age. Nearly a decade later and still haunted by demons, Lucie finally tracks down the family that tortured her. As she and Anna move closer to the agonizing truth, they find themselves trapped in a nightmare – if they cannot escape, a martyr’s fate awaits them…









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