Exclusive: Bloody Reunion Clip!


Bloody Reunion exclusive clip!This is why I’ve skipped, and will continue to skip, any and all high school reunions. Too much bad old baggage can be brought to the forefront with a few drinks in ya.

Though something tells me it was more than the drinks that re-opened the wounds of the former the classmates in Bloody Reunion, which Tartan Asia Extreme will release to DVD on March 12th, who end up picking one another off after meeting up to say goodbye to a former teacher.

The folks at Tartan were cool enough to provide Dread Central with an exclusive clip from the film, which you can see by clicking right here, a link that will magically transport you to our broadband section where the clip is living.

When you’re done with that and if you like what you see, click here to pre-order the DVD through Evilshop!

Keep your eye on Dread Central for more exclusive clips and videos that will fill up the Broadband section faster than you likely think possible!

Johnny Butane

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