Freddy, Jason, Zombies, and One Angry Nerd!


The Angry Video Game Nerd Comes to Dread Central The Internet is a friggin’ strange place. It’s literally changed the way that most of us have gotten our entertainment. Remember when we would watch shows like America’s Funniest Videos and such to get a dose of the crazy shit that happens to us all? Well, now we have access to that kind of stuff instantaneously because of sites like YouTube and

The Internet has even given birth to some celebrities (need I mention the Numa Numa video?). One such person is James Rolfe, or as you would probably know him better, The Angry Video Game Nerd. James’ reviews have been making the Web rounds like wildfire, and with good reason: They’re hilarious.

A few months back he did video reviews for Nintendo’s 8-bit Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th games. They are chicken fried fucking gold. While beefing up our video content, it was a no-brainer to have these included. To our surprise James had a couple of more tricks up his sleeve including a violent little slice of zombie goodness called The Deader The Better.

Below you can partake in James’ special blend of vulgar, blood-spattered mayhem.

The Deader The Better

The Angry Nintendo Nerd: A Nightmare on Elm Street

The Angry Nintendo Nerd: Friday the 13th

For more Angry Video Game Nerd antics, click here and here.

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Uncle Creepy

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