August Underground’s Penance Trailer!

I know there are many fans out there that have been waiting a long time for the next movie from Toe Tag Pictures, The Redsin Tower (review), and for good reason: The film is a far cry from the balls-out (literally?) exploitative nature of the films that made Toe Tag a household name for gore fans, August Underground, and is actually quite good.
While we wait and see who will eventually nab Redsin for release, as I’m sure someone out there will eventually, the Toe Tag folks wanted us to point you over to their official site, where you can now see the trailer for the third and film AU movie: August Underground’s Penance. The trailer’s not as sick as you might think, but then it’s less than two minutes long, too. I wouldn’t recommend watching it at work, though, that’s for sure.
So what is Penance about? Good question, glad you asked. According to the press for the film, August Underground’s Penance sees the dark decline of the two sociopaths from the first films, who will hopefully get their comeuppance when it’s all said and done.
Check out Toe Tag’s official site for the August Underground’s Penance trailer as well as a chance to be one of the first to pre-order the “Snuff Edition” of final August Underground film, limited to only 1,000 copies signed by the cast and crew. Stay tuned for more news from the sickos at Toe Tag very soon!
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