Hopper to Drive Dolan’s Cadillac?


Dolan's Cadillac finally back to the big screen?It’s weird to hear news on an adaptation of the Stephen King short story Dolan’s Cadillac finally getting back into the realm of production after so many years of silence, but I suppose it was bound to happen eventually.

Production Weekly found out that Dennis Hopper is in final negotiations to star in the title role (the man, not the car) playing James Dolan, an untouchable Las Vegas mob boss who targets the wife of a quiet schoolteacher, Tom Robinson, when she witnesses one of his hits. She is killed before she can testify against the boss and Tom finds a way to get his revenge on Dolan using a method no one would ever see coming.

Dolan’s Cadillac, the story, first appeared in the King collection Nightmares & Dreamscapes. Dolan’s Cadillac, the movie, almost got to the production stage with Stacey Title in the director’s chair and Sylvester Stalone and Kevin Bacon in the featured roles a few years back, but it all fell apart before cameras could roll.

According to Production Weekly filming is supposed to begin in April, though no director’s been named as of yet. We’ll be sure to let you know more when we do!

Johnny Butane

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