Universal Horror for ’08


Universal's 2008 slateThe folks over at Coming Soon heard from the folks over at Universal, who sent out a press release letting the folks on the internets know about their massive upcoming film slate, so I thought I’d make sure you folks heard about it, too.

And yes, I said “internets” cause it’s funny.

Anyway, release dates have been laid down by Uni for their “tentpole” films in 2008, a remarkable number of which (well, 3, but that’s a lot for a big studio) are horror or at least horror-related. Here’s when you can expect some big budget badassness:

  • July 11th, 2008 – The Mummy 3 – Weisz and Fraser are expected to return, though apparently nothing’s been signed yet. Wonder what the hold-up is on that…
  • August 1st, 2008 – Hellboy 2: The Golden Army – Though filming has yet to even start, we’re sure Guillermo can get this bad boy done with time to spare to make it to the late summer release. Definitely one of my most anticipated of next year.
  • November 14th, 2008 – The Wolf Man – Speaking of del Toros, this redux of the 1941 classic, which is produced and will start Benicio del Toro, will help make the month after Halloween just as good as Halloween itself.
  • Of course you can expect updates on all these projects and more between now and their respective release dates, so don’t you even consider going anywhere.

    Johnny Butane

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