Final Horsemen Casting


The Horsemen casting completePlatinum Dunes is expanding out into risky territory with its first non-remake production coming our way called The Horsemen. Isn’t there some statistical fact that a risky movie should not be made if it stars Dennis Quaid? I’m pretty sure there is…

Anyway, Variety has confirmed the casting of Patrick Fugit (Dead Birds), Lou Taylor Pucci (Thumbsucker), Clifton Collins, Jr. (Mindhunters) , Barry Shabaka Henley (Four Brothers), Neil McDonough (Ravenous) and Peter Stormare (Constantine) in the film. The Horsemen follows a detective (played by Quaid, natch) whose life is forever altered when he starts investigating a string of murders with roots in the Biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Jonas Akerlund (Spun) is at the helm with cameras rolling as we speak. Or as you read, whichever you prefer. Look for it to wrap up and clear out of the Winipeg area in about 8 weeks with more info to follow!

Johnny Butane

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