Specs for Bay’s Bava Collection


Anchor Bay's release of Kidnapped/Rabid DogsThat master of all things cool and digital, Tim Lucas of Video Watchdog, just got the specs on the upcoming Mario Bava Collection, Volume 1 from the new signature series under Anchor Bay, The Anchor Bay Collection; and they are, in a word, impressive. Check ’em out:

  • Black Sabbath/The Three Faces of Fear
    1.77:1/16:9 (both)
    English and Italian versions with English subtitles
    Featurette: Mark Damon interview
    Tim Lucas audio commentary
    International and US trailers
    TV spots
    Poster and stills gallery
    Mario Bava and Boris Karloff bios
    Bava trailers
  • Black Sunday/The Mask of Satan
    Original Italian export English dub scored by Roberto Nicolosi
    American International English dub scored by Les Baxter
    English mono with subtitles
    Tim Lucas audio commentary
    International and US trailers
    TV spots
    Radio spots
    Mario Bava and Barbara Steele bios
    Bava trailers
  • The Girl Who Knew Too Much/Evil Eye
    English and Italian versions with English subtitles
    1.33:1 (English), 1.66:1/16:9 (Italian)
    Featurette: “Remembering the Girl with John Saxon”
    Tim Lucas audio commentary
    International and US trailers
    Poster and still gallery
    Bava trailers
  • Kill, Baby … Kill!
    English and Italian audio with English subtitles
    International trailer
    TV spots 1-3
    Mario Bava bio
    Bava trailers
  • Knives of the Avenger
    English and Italian audio with English subtitles
    International trailer
    Mario Bava bio
    Bava trailers
  • Wow, that is an impressive list, no? As if that weren’t enough, AB will also be releasing Bava’s “lost” film Kidnapped/Rabid Dogs (the box art for which is above) on the same day, specifically April 3rd, 2007. For more specifics on what you can expect from both the collection and the stand-alone release, be sure to check out the Video Watchdog blog!

    Johnny Butane

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