Tarantino & Rodriguez in the Grinder


Death Proof poster (click to see it bigger!)If you have not heard about the upcoming Tarantino/Rodriguez double feature known as Grindhouse, then you need to stop playing Warcraft. Put it down. Stop farming gold and hitting on every female character you come across; just drop it.

If you can pull yourself away from the Burning Crusade long enough, then you should head over to Yahoo! Movies. Why? Because Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez want to teach you a lesson about what the Grindhouse genre is. Yahoo! was even nice enough to splice in some footage from the good old exploitation films of years past. Learn how the whole project came together, and just accept the fact that this movie is going to kick some major ass.

Planet Terror and Death Proof will be hitting theatres on April 6th of this year in one giant package, complete with faux film trailers and classic commercials. Rose McGowan with a gun for a leg, zombies, fast cars, motorcycles, and Kurt Russell playing a bad guy? How could anyone pass all this up?!?!

Kryten Syxx

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