Christmas Comes Early


Black Christmas DVD(click to see it bigger)When I think of Christmas, I don’t have images of sugar plums dancing or a fat old man lurking in my chimney. What I see in my mind’s eye is lots of blood and over-the-top gore. Am I alone in this mindset? Not at all because some people actually did go to see Black Christmas last year.

Fangoria clawed up some details on the DVD specs of Glen Morgan’s remake of Black Christmas. An unrated cut running at 95 minutes will be available along with the 90-minute theatrical release that Sean Clark reviewed. I would strongly suggest giving the unrated version a go and hope that it is better constructed than the mess that found its way into cinemas.

But what of extras? Oh worry not; there are extras, but not many:

• Three alternate endings
• Seven deleted scenes
What Have You Done?: The Remaking of Black Christmas featurette
May All Your Christmases Be Black: A Filmmaker’s Journey featurette

Kryten Syxx

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