Green’s Hatchet Follow-Up Goes Golden


Spiral takes home Golden Spirit Award (click to see the poster bigger!)Some very good news for Hatchet helmer Adam Green came out of this past weekend’s Santa Barbara Film Festival, which as you may recall was the site of the premiere of his sophomore feature, Spiral, co-directed by Joel Moore.

So what is this good news you ask? That the film walked away with the Golden Spirit Award from the festival, an award that honors the “most innovative and unique film with an inspiring and groundbreaking vision.” Not a bad honor at all, especially if you consider that Spiral, from the sounds of it, is about 180 degrees from Hatchet in almost every sense.

The story of Spiral is about a lonely telemarketer named Mason (Joel Moore) who is never really noticed by anyone until a new girl at his office, Amber (Amber Tamblyn), starts to bring him out of his shell through her outgoing nature. But as the real Mason is revealed to those around him, a darkness is glimpsed that was better off hidden.

Visit the official site for Sprial or make them a friend on MySpace to learn more about the film!

Johnny Butane

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