Finally Time for Goners?

If you look around the ‘net at other movie sites (What? Why?), you may have seen the recent news that Joss Whedon has officially left Wonder Woman, the adaptation of the long-running DC Comic that he’s been working on for quite a while now.
In a post on, the writer/director admits that things just weren’t gelling between him and production house Silver Pictures, so they parted ways. He also mentioned that that gives him time to finally finish working on Goners, the straight-up horror movie he’s mentioned a few times in the past but never had many details on since Wonder Woman was taking up most of his brain. Hopefully those details can finally come to light now and we figure out what Goners is actually about.
He also mentions in the post that there are a lot of other projects he can now pursue, so expect to hear some cool things coming from the man in the coming months. We hope. I just want someone to give him a few million dollars and tell him to go make the movie he wants to make; I’m sure it’ll be brilliant whatever it is.
Wonder if I’m just a raving fanboy in our forums!