The Remake of Boggy Creek
And now for your WTF?!?! remake news of the day: The Legend of Boggy Creek. The seminal Sasquatch movie of the Seventies and probably all-time, Charles B. Pierce’s 1972 docudrama based of actual events using many of the real people recounting tales of a Bigfoot creature that terrorized Fouke, Arkansas for decades. How the heck do you remake a docudrama? That’s like announcing you’re going to do a remake of Roger & Me or The Thin Blue Line.
Fangoria got the early word that has begun to leak out regarding a remake of The Legend of Boggy Creek. The only real word right not is that plans are to shoot the movie in Texas and the casting progress is currently on-going. No word of any talent involved yet which leads me to believe this is not going to be some big Hollywood remake. The original film was a micro-budget production that became a drive-in sensation and since gone on to become a cult classic. It’ll be interesting to find out who is involved with this remake and whether they’re hoping to recreate the magic of the original or try going the Platiunum Dunes route making it a gritty looking R-rated killer Bigfoot flick. Just have to stay tuned for more info.
Not sure what the point is of a remake of The Legend of Boggy Creek is in the first place when you consider The Wild Man of the Navidad (review here) finally comes out on DVD this week and it practically is a Boggy Creek redux.
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