The Saw Blood Drive Returns!


With Saw VI (which is gathering some surprisingly positive buzz) just around the corner. it was only a matter of time before the annual Blood Drive returned with a nurse who brings new meaning to the term “Give till it hurts!”

Every year Lionsgate gets the blood pumping for its new SAW film with the SAW “Give ‘Til It Hurts” blood drive, benefiting the Red Cross. As part of that tradition, the studio produces an ad campaign starring the SAW nurse, a sexy sister of dubious mercy who wants your blood. This year’s ad campaign was created by Ignition Print and was photographed by Co-President of Marketing Tim Palen….and it’s the wildest yet with the SAW nurse sporting a uniform you won’t see at just any old doctor’s office. That’s because it’s designed by the downtown NY fashion darlings The Blonds, the corset kings who have outfitted the likes of Beyoncé, Katy Perry and Rihanna.

Yahoo! Movies is hosting the images you can dig on below.

The Saw Blood Drive Returns!

The Saw Blood Drive Returns!

Uncle Creepy

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