Sharing Sorrow is Right


Do you know fear? Real, true, palm-sweating fear? Until you’ve seen Creepshow 3 and then read about the people involved in its creation doing anything else, I don’t think you do.

In this case that anything is Sharing Joy and Sorrow, a six-part anthology that is being “presented” by George A. Romero, though something tells me he has nothing to do with it other than the name. Taurus Entertainment, and more specifically Jim Dudelson, are the real fiends behind the project, which right there and then is enough to turn me off it for good.

Still, the series has other talent involved than just Dudelson, so perhaps it won’t be that bad. The concept art you see to your right comes from Fangoria, a look at art from Bob (Marcus) Hardison’s entry in the anthology, about a girl in a red dress. Imagine that. The art looks uncomfortably like that of the opening segment of Creepshow 3, which is just painful to sit through, so I hope it’s not eventually animated.

Shooting is set to start up later this year, and we’ll have more on the project as it’s brought to light!

Johnny Butane

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