Relevant Craves Cannibal Remake


Cannibal Holocaust gets a remakeI wonder if, in this planned remake of Cannibal Holocaust, they’ll still resort to using footage of actual tribesmen killing animals for food except, this time to make sure the film keeps the same reputation as the original, they’ll then have to kill the tribesmen on-screen, right?

Variety is reporting this morning that Relevant Entertainment (now that’s a funny name) has scooped up the redux rights to Ruggero Deodato’s classic 1980 horror film Cannibal Holocaust with plans to start shooting as early as this summer. For those who have somehow missed hearing anything about the original, it follows the search for some lost kids who were last seen in the jungles of South America, documenting a cannibal tribe. Footage from the kids’ final days is found and, upon review, determined too graphic to be ever seen by anyone. And of course the reason for their death and subsequent ingestion is made all too clear.

Said to be the inspiration for films like Blair Witch, there are still a lot of issues with Cannibal Holocaust that can be improved on. At its heart there is a good story there, but the film’s infamy for using footage of real animals being killed on-camera has caused most to just write it off as worthless garbage. Hopefully Relevant will hire someone to direct who sees the same potential in the source material and works to bring it forward.

Stay tuned for more as we learn it!

Johnny Butane

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