Dino Talks More Hannibal

Man, someone needs to put a stop to Dino de Laurentiis. The man is mad with power, insane with the lust for your money, gone stark raving batshit crazy with the idea of taking every single penny from your pocket.
That or he just really doesn’t want the long-dead Hannibal franchise (dead since Hannibal if you ask me) to stay dead. Personally I think the thought of him stalking around a huge mansion wearing only a pair of Speedos and laughing maniacally to himself is a far funnier image.
What prompts this criticism of the prolific producer? The following comments made by him to MTV during a recent interview: “How many James Bond [movies are] there? … Every two years a James Bond movie [seemingly] comes out.” So wait, is he saying there’s enough franchise potential for Hannibal, who you may recall is a cannibal, that we could get sequels in the 10s and 20s? The thought is indeed terrifying.
de Laurentiis explained that perhaps the love story hinted at in next weekend’s release of Hannibal Rising (read our book review) will be pursued further if another sequel does happen. Right, because I really want to watch a film about the trials and tribulations of a young psychopath in love.
All right, maybe I do, just not Hannibal Lecter.
Wonder how Dino’s liver would taste in our forums!