Turistas: Come Home


Now I’m sure a lot of you aren’t going to be terribly interested in this DVD, but who knows what an “unrated” cut might do for it, right? Sure. I guess, realistically, the only way an unrated cut of Turistas would help was if they got rid of the 20-minute long swimming scene and replaced it with 20 minutes of actual organ harvesting.

Anyway, Fangoria got the first look at the cover for the DVD of Turistas, which Fox Home Entertainment will be releasing on March 27th, 2007. Is it just me or does it look like it should be the cover for Club Dread II instead? And by that I mean it’s kind of silly. I guess it does grab one’s attention, though, and I’m sure will piss off more than one parent.

Features on the Turistas DVD will include an alternate ending, 10 deleted scenes (most of which, I’m sure, involve more swimming), a featurette on producing the underwater scenes and a featurette on the special effects. Wait … the what? Were there effects in this film worth of a featurette? I honestly don’t remember…

Click here to pre-order the DVD, but before you do be sure to listen to the first Dinner for Fiends, which was all about the Fox Atomic debut, by clicking here!

Johnny Butane

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