Wizard of Gore Site Live!

We’ve been waiting with bated breath for more information to come out regarding Jeremy (Attic Expeditions) Kasten’s Wizard of Gore remake (read our set visit here), but things have been quiet for a while now.
Today, however, we found out that the film’s official site, which for months has been nothing but a splash page, is finally open for business with lots of cool substance for you to dig through like the film’s trailer, synopsis, cast & crew bios, and a slew of publicity posters (one of which you can see on your right).
A remake of the Herschell Gordon Lewis splatter classic of the same name, Wizard of Gore stars Crispin Glover as Montage the Magnificent, an extreme magician who takes the realism of his stage act a bit too far, offing beautiful assistants left and right (played this time by the luscious Suicide Girls). Glover had a chat with Fangoria recently about his turn in the film, pointing out that he plays the character much differently than the original, which is to be expected.
Check out their chat with the man right here, visit the Wizard of Gore site to see other cool stuffage, and look for more goodies from the film very soon!
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