Luke Goss Joins Fringe

After a slow start the J.J. Abrams produced series “Fringe” has picked up steam and a hell of a fanbase. Me? I’m still waiting for the cow to get his own spin-off series. But until that happens, we can honestly say the outlook for Season Two is looking pleasantly dark thanks to some genre-fueled guest star power.
Variety reports that Luke Goss, whom you may recognize as Prince Nuada from Hellboy II as well as Doomsday and Blade II, has joined the cast as a guest star. No word yet on how big or small his role will be, but we’ll keep our eyes and ears open.
“Fringe” is a television drama centered around a female FBI agent who is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena.
Stay tuned for more.