Exclusive: First Look at Pro-Life Art!

Once again, our friends over at Anchor Bay come through with the goods. They just sent over to us the final cover art for the “Pro-Life” installment of this season’s Masters of Horror, which you can see in its full form by clicking the teaser below:

While I was no fan of the episode (in fact, it made my Bottom Five for 2006), I have to admit that is some sweet looking artwork. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll soften my opinion after another viewing, but somehow I doubt it. At the very least we’ll be able to hear how Carpenter feels about it since, according to Fangoria, a commentary with him and the writers will be included. The full specs are as follows:
On the surface it appears this season’s special features are a bit skimpy compared to last, but word is that the price will also be coming down, which seems like a pretty fair trade-off all in all. But I sure will miss the mega packing MOH DVD’s of old. It was nice to know that even if the episode itself wasn’t all that great, we could count on the bonus stuff to keep us entertained.
“Pro-Life” hits DVD shelves on March 20th, be sure to click here to pre-order the disc through Evilshop!
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