The Bay’s New Collection

It used to be if you were asked to name one company putting out the best horror DVDs for genre fans’ hard-earned cash, the name you’d hear more often than not would be Anchor Bay. Over the last few years, however, the Bay has slipped a bit in both quality product and attention to their releases with some notable exceptions like the first series of Masters of Horror.
The Bay is looking to change all that with its newly announced line of limited edtion DVDs celebrating the best of what our genre has to offer under the Anchor Bay Collection banner. Re-Animator will be the first release (full specs on that here), followed by Don Coscarelli’s Phantasm, Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead, and a Hammer Films box set.
A press release sent out today stated that discs released under the Anchor Bay Collection will come with “completely restored picture and sound, boasting new audio mixes and transfers, as well as featuring all newly produced bonus materials”. And really, that’s all we horror fans want from our digital grueslingers, isn’t it?
Brand-new features and filmmaker participation (when possible) will be a huge part of the line, so we can expect some fantastic, must-own discs to be announced in the coming months. Keep it here for more news from the Anchor Bay Collection!
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