Remaking Driller Killer

I admit, as much as it shames me and my family, that I have never seen Abel Ferrara’s Driller Killer. My grandmother is crying as we speak, friends. Cyring with shame.
So perhaps that’s why the idea of remaking it, cutting out all the exploitation elements and relocating it to the UK doesn’t bother me as much as those who grew up with the movie. Such is the concept of Masterplan Films Ltd., who told our friends over at Pit of Horror that they’re moving forward with the remake with The Feral Generation helmer Andrew Jones at the helm.
The script and budget are in place, and casting is expected to get under way next month with cameras set to roll come April. Hell, if Near Dark and Black Christmas can be remade, nothing’s really safe anymore so I guess it was just a matter of time. Personally I’m glad they’re going to try something different; I just hope it’s not as glaringly opposite of its original as Tobe Hooper’s Toolbox Murders redux was. I mean, there’s still going to be a drill, right?
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