Comic Con Madness: Friday
Man, Friday at Comic Con sure was insane. Seriously. The day started off relatively early with my wife and I deciding to walk down to the convention because once we got a look at the traffic, we realized it’d just make more sense to do so. There’s a certain strength to the sun here in San Diego that we just don’t have on the East Coast; it feels like it’s trying to hurt you and given the chance would burn you to a crisp without thinking twice about it. In other words, it was a long walk.
First thing that day I got to chat with John Hegeman, COO of Fox Atomic, the company releasing 28 Weeks Later and The Hills Have Eyes 2. The full interview will be up shortly, but what I can tell you is that the guys behind this studio branch are definitely fans of our genre and have some great plans for the future and a real understanding of how important our input is into getting the best possible horror out there. Be sure to check out their site for a taste of what’s to come in the next few months.
The Hood of Horror panel was up next, and Sean got a lot of on-camera interviews with pretty much everyone involved in it from Diamond Dallas Page to Tim Sullivan to the man himself, Snoop Dogg. Hopefully said video will be online within the next few weeks (we’re still testing out what’s going to work best for its presentation) and you can all enjoy the antics of Clark on camera.
While that was going on, I did an interview with William Oertel, producer of The Silent Hill Experience and the upcoming Silent Hill: Origins. Origins sounds like it’s going to be everything Silent Hill fans love and creepy as hell despite the fact that it will be out on PSP only. The challenges inherit in bringing a game that relies so much on visuals and sound to such a small device were legion, but it looks like they did a damn good job of it. Look for the full interview transcript soon.
I headed across the street to The Omni Hotel, where I got to sit down and chat with the one and only Neil Marshall, director of one of the best horror films of the last ten years, The Descent. It was a good, though all too brief, chat about the movie, and I will have its full transcription up on the site very soon. He did reveal some information about The Descent 2 during our time, which you can read about here.
While I was away doing that, Sean was finishing up with the Hood of Horror folks and finally got the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream: interviewing Rosario Dawson. This is a chick that really has it all, folks. She’s smart, gorgeous, and loves horror in all its forms, so her involvement in numerous upcoming genre projects is not surprising in the least. Look for that video interview soon as well, and make sure if you ever see Sean, that you ask him to tell you about the experience. He gets all dreamy in the eyes.
That night we ended up at a party for Gentle Giant/Dark Horse/Weta that kicked all sorts of ass, allowing us to rub elbows with all manner of cool people. They unveiled a life-size statue of Ray Harryhausen that was made to honor the man’s lifelong achievements, and Ray was on hand to get some photo ops. Though I didn’t get the chance to talk to him personally as people surrounded him much of the time, it was an honor just to be in the man’s presence.
When I get a few minutes to breathe, I promise to get you guys a lot more; but needless to say, we’re having a great time at Comic Con. Today is a relatively light day in terms of horror stuff to catch, and the Con ends at 4:30. Then we’re off to the world famous San Diego Zoo to relax a bit. Keep it here for more!
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