Finally … Lost Boys 2?


Lost Boys Sequel finally happening?After nearly 20 years of rumors about everything from a direct sequel to a possible remake to an all girl version to a Frogg Brothers spin-off, now comes word that Warner Brothers has officially decided to produce The Lost Boys 2, so sayeth a movie website I’d previously never heard of called

No word on any plot or casting (We know Kiefer Sutherland has better things on his plate, but surely the Corey’s aren’t busy these days) or if it will have any ties whatsoever to the original 1987 hit (doubtful). Shooting reportedly begins in San Diego sometime in the first quarter of this year. Personally, I’ll believe it when I hear word of cast and crew being hired, but the IESB reporter claims to have gotten the scoop from an “industry insider” so I’ll take his word for it that this is indeed a go.

Before anyone gets excited, Warner Brothers plans this to be a direct-to-DVD venture. In case you haven’t noticed, one of the most popular DVD movie trends these days is to produce a name-only sequel – often without any of the actors or any sort of story tie-ins to the film its sequalizing – to a theatrical release that doesn’t really warrant a sequel, but the DVD sales were strong enough entice the studio. For example, next month many of you are going to walk into a video store, see Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning, and ask yourselves, “Dead God, why?” Heck, tomorrow will see the DVD release of Undisputed 2. It doesn’t even matter if the original was worth a damn or not, just so long as it has a name they’ve decided to be marketable. How else can one explain the existence of Hollow Man 2?

More word on The Lost Boys 2 when it becomes available.

The Foywonder

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