Site, Stills, and Art for Zombie Ed

Yet another zombedy is in production and coming our way from overseas — an indie flesh-feast called Zombie Ed directed by Ren Blood! The official site for the film recently went live, and it’s home to lots of behind-the-scenes shenanigans. Dig it!
Official Synopsis
“Ed (William Cutting) is an unattractive, unathletic young twentysomething male with a crappy apartment, a crappy job, and a crappy car. The closest he has ever come to having a girlfriend ended with her second sex change operation (back to male) being approved. Ed is known as a third class loser. He has only two friends, Pedro (Pete Mendoza) and Harry (Tom Nyman), but they are both bigger losers than he is. Ed, however, doesn’t think things could get any worse until the day he wakes up and finds he had turned into a Zombie.
Ed had been vaguely aware of the whole “Zombie isn’t a lifestyle choice but a biological imperative protest” that started when he was in high school. At least he thinks it was high school as he was stoned most of his senior year. He was still thinking you had to be bitten by a Zombie or partially eaten by a Zombie or something like that to actually become a Zombie. But apparently some science guy had discovered that years and years of fluoride in the water caused some people with a certain gene to turn into a Zombie. None of this meant much to Ed until he woke one morning, looked into the mirror, and realized he had turned into a Zombie.
Ed’s loser friends are shocked that Ed had gone Zombie. They tell him that it doesn’t make a difference and they will stay friends, but they delete him out of their fave five on the way out the door and de-friend him from their MySpace pages as soon as they can.
And that’s the story where Ed’s new life begins.”
Check out the early art below and click the image to be taken to the film’s official site. Look for more on Zombie Ed including Stateside distro and a trailer very soon.

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