Verbinski’s BioShock Stalled Over Budget Concerns

If any director working today seemed capable of tackling the film adaptation of video game BioShock, it was Gore Verbinski. Who better to bring the underwater city of Rapture to the big screen? Well, unfortunately Universal Pictures has stopped his efforts due to the rapidly rising budget, which has reportedly reached the $160 million level.
Variety quotes Verbinski as follows: “We were asked by Universal to move the film outside the U.S. to take advantage of a tax credit. We are evaluating whether this is something we want to do. In the meantime, the film is in a holding pattern.” By “we”, Verbinski no doubt means his Blind Wink production banner.
The article further states that the parties vow Bioshock won’t be canceled merely over budget fears, and they are currently eying a London shooting location as a cheaper alternative.
Let’s hope they can work things out so that Verbiniski didn’t pass on Pirates 4 for nothing!
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