One Million Dead Rise

Game sales news aren’t something I’d normally pass along, but in this case I’ll make a very special exemption. passed on word that Dead Rising (review here), Capcom’s love letter to zombie fans, has passed the one million sales mark worldwide, outperforming analyst estimates. To give that some perspective, anytime a game hits seven figures worldwide, it’s a big deal.
Knowing a game like Dead Rising is still shambling out of shops on a regular basis is heartwarming enough by itself, but also there’s a quote from Executive Vice President and Head of Consumer Software at Capcom Mark Beaumont that hints very strongly that Capcom isn’t just thinking about a sequel to Dead Rising but is now viewing it as a franchise. “Bringing out Dead Rising has allowed us to establish a new franchise that we can use for years to come,” was what he said.
Even if it isn’t exactly official confirmation of anything, there’s no way that Capcom won’t be following up Dead Rising now.
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